How To Complain To The Prime Minister? Pradhan Mantri Details (Biography, Degree,Phone,email,website,facebook,twitter)

Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India encourages the common people to get in touch with him personally. But this is not possible at all times. With the invention of the internet and portals, it is now possible for a commoner to send a message to the PM of the nation from his/her home computer. In this article, you will learn how you can also send a message to PM Narendra Modi, and notify him about your grievances.

  1. Any individual can send his/her complaint or innovative idea to the PM, if he/she has access to a computer or laptop and internet connection. The same is possible with the help of a smartphone.
  2. Both citizens of Indian and other nations will be able to use this facility. The person has to open a new tab in any browser to start the process.
  3. In the tab, he/she has to type “PM India,” and press the Enter button. This will generate a search result, and highlight several links.
  4. The person has to click on the very first link. One can also click on the link to reach this page directly.
  5. Once the homepages opens, the person will be able to pick the language he/she prefers.
  6. After this, he/she needs to scroll down the page till he/she gets to the end.
  7. Here, two separate options are available. One is marked as “Share your ideas, insights and thoughts.” In case the person wants to share an innovative idea with the PM, he/she has to click on this link.
  8. The other option is marked as “Write to PM.” Clicking on this link will give one access to the site that will help in grievance registration.
  9. As soon as you click on the link, another page will open in a new tab. It will highlight a digitized application form.
  10. The individual has to fill in the separate fields with pertinent information like name, address, pin code, gender, country, landline number (if any), active mobile number, personal email ID etc.
  11. The person needs to choose the state and the district by clicking on the drop down arrows, placed alongside these two fields.
  12. After this, the person has to select the type grievance he/she wants to report.
  13. Then he/she will be able to type in the complaint in detail. A list of special characters is highlighted at the top of the complaint box. One must take care not to use any of these special characters.
  14. In case the person wants to attach a PDF file of the same complaint, he/she has to click on “Yes” option, alongside the question “Do you want to upload PDF Attachment.”
  15. A three digit capchat is also available at the end of this page. The person has to type in this code exactly in the same format in the specified space.
  16. To save and send the complaint, he/she as to click on the “Submit” button. To start the process once again, one has to click on the button marked as “Reset.”
  17. As soon as the complaint is submitted successfully, the site will send a registration code to the registered mobile phone number. This registration number will come in handy when the candidate wants to check the status of the complaint.

How to check the complaint status?

  1. To check the current status of the complaint, the candidate need to open a new tab, and type in “PG Portal” followed by pressings the Enter key.
  2. One can open the PG Portal by clicking on the link
  3. Once the homepage opens, the person has to click on the tab that is marked as “View Status”
  4. Clicking on this tab triggers the site to open a new page.
  5. Here, the complainer can type in the mobile number or grievance registration number to check the status of the complaint.

Pradhan Mantri Details (Biography, Degree,Phone,email,website,facebook,twitter)

In 2014, Narendra Modi became the fourteenth Prime Minister of India. He is known for being a Hindu nationalist and is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. He has held an extensive amount of experience in the Indian government. Much of this is thanks to many of his own personal experiences in activism.

Early Life

Narendra Modi was born in 1950 in present-day Gujarat. His family was active in the oil-pressing industry. He started attending training sessions from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh when he was eight years old. The organization is a prominent right-wing nationalist group that focuses on the development of a Hindu nation. Modi helped his father sell tea at railway stations around his home city of Vadnagar. He soon opened his own tea stall. It is not certain as to how long he ran this for.

He studied in Vadnagar and earned his higher secondary education in 1967. He was noted for his strong debate skills and expressed an interest in theatre. He even performed in a few school productions. He left his family’s home after graduating. This came as he rejected the arranged marriage that he had been put into a few years earlier. He spent the next few years traveling around India although there isn’t much information available as to what had happened while he was gone.

Modi attempted to join a few different religious missions around India but he was regularly rejected as he did not have the college education required. He returned back to his hometown in 1970 and worked for his uncle until the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. This was when he started getting into the political system.

Getting Into Social Issues

Modi started working for the RSS as a campaigner after the Indo-Pakistani War. This came as he held some experience in working with the RSS from training sessions and other activities that he engaged with while learning more about the organization. During this time period, he became more interested in serving his country. There were many important developments in his life that directly impacted him:

  • He participated in a non-violent protest before the war against the Indian government near its headquarters in New Delhi. He was arrested for his participation in the protests although it is uncertain which specific one he was arrested for.
  • He worked with Lakshmandro Inamdar as a mentor. Inamdar is one of the founders of RSS. He inducted Modi as a junior cadet in RSS and was a key advisor for his political work. The work between the two was very strong as Modi would write a biography of Inamdar in 2001.
  • In 1978, Modi graduated from Delhi University. He took a distance learning program for a degree in political science. He also earned a Master of Arts degree in the same field from Gujarat University.

Early RSS Work

Narendra Modi worked with the RSS in the 1970s to help the organization advance its message. During the state of emergency that was held in India from 1975 to 1977, Modi was appointed as the secretary of a committee that was opposed to the emergency. He helped with producing documentation that was opposed to the current government and wanted to get more people to go against the national government. However, the RSS would be banned from many functions around the country due to their actions.

In 1978, Modi was a regional organizer for RSS as he worked in the Surat and Vadodara areas. He eventually went to Delhi in 1979 where he wrote a book explaining the RSS viewpoints on the state of emergency. This focused on his disapproval of the national government and all of its actions in general.

Working With the BJP

Soon after his work with the RSS was coming near an end, Modi started being associated with the BJP or Bharatiya Janata Party. This is a right-wing part that is focused primarily on Hindu nationalism. Modi actually started working with the BJP through the encouragement of the RSS. Modi’s first work with the group started in 1985 and soon after started working as a campaign organizer. The party was becoming successful in a number of elections thanks to the strong work that Modi had put in for the party.

The development of Modi in the BJP was extensive as he quickly moved up the ranks within the party:

  • In 1987, Modi earned his first elected position within the party. He was the organizing secretary of the Gujarat section of the party, representing the area that he was originally from.
  • In 1990, he joined the National Election Committee. He helped to advise a number of successful political campaigns. These included the Ram Rath Yatra victory for LK Advani in 1990.
  • Modi built a new school in 1992 in Ahmedabad. This was done as a means of taking a break from politics although it also came at a point where Modi had a few issues with many of the other people within the party.
  • He was the secretary of the BJP in 1994 and was critical in helping to organize many of the elections for the party in 1995. This was a key point in helping the party to attain a number of victories in state assembly elections. He also worked hard to get the BJP to attain further victories in the 1998 elections.

The work that Modi was supporting especially entailed a focus on India first. He focused on traditional Hindu values while also working on the promotion of a small government system while also allowing for the privatization of businesses around India. The key was to improve the national economy without being overly dependent on others.

The rise of Narendra Modi was very prominent as the BJP continued to grow in power. This led to him being named the general secretary of the party following the 1998 elections. It would be another couple of years before he first took power in an office as he became the Chief Minister of Gujarat.

Getting Into Office

Modi entered the office of Chief Minister of Gujarat in October 2001. He took over the position that was held by Keshubhai Patel. This came as Patel’s health was in decline while the BJP was struggling with losses. It was Modi’s interest in helping to improve the Gujarat area that he took over the position that Patel once held. He soon won a by-election a few months into his run in this position.

The Gulbarg Massacre

The most controversial moment in Modi’s life came in February 2002. This occurred after a public train in Gujarat was attacked. It was reported that Muslims had attacked the train. An attack occurred was issued on the Gulbarg neighborhood, a predominantly Muslim region of the area. This lead to the belief that Muslims had attacked people who were not of the faith.

Modi ordered a curfew in the region and ordered the police offices the right to shoot to kill anyone who does not follow it. This led to a dramatic loss of life as more than 1,000 Muslims were killed. Many women were also raped and harmed during the incident. The Indian Supreme Court went through two investigations but they contradicted each other in terms of their evidence. As a result, Modi was determined to be not guilty of anything that had occurred during the crackdown.

There were a few calls for Modi to resign from his position following the incident. However, Modi would win re-election to his position in December 2002. The BJP won an additional number of seats in the national government, thus giving the power even more control over the country amid its rise to power.

Continuing His Work in Gujarat

Modi continued to work as the Chief Minister of Gujarat and would win re-election in 2007 and 2012. Modi continued to focus on right-wing politics although his nationalist attitudes started to soften by a bit. He focused more on working with privatization of the national economy and also focused on getting more jobs to develop within the country. This was especially through getting the manufacturing hub of India to grow, thus providing more jobs within the country.

Many have cited Modi as a benefit to Gujarat in that he has helped to control the government and has especially done well without any corruption involved. He has helped to make the government more transparent as well by staying open with the people and explaining many actions that the government was undertaking.

However, there have been some concerns within the government in terms of how Modi has been operating. In particular, there had been some concerns over how Modi has not done much to improve living conditions in the area. This includes working to reduce poverty around the area and to control the development of slums.

Still, Modi had performed plenty of tasks to help with controlling how the local government was working. This included helping with getting more businesses to move into the region. Much of this came after luring Tata Motors into the state after the company had been booted from West Bengal due to issues and disputes that it had with some other parties in the area.

Modi also worked to persuade the public that the rest of the national government was out against Gujarat. He felt that he was protecting Gujarat from the influence that the rest of India was trying to impose on it. This came particularly as there had been some concerns over how India was running in general.

Becoming the Prime Minister

Modi led the 2014 campaign from the BJP to take in more seats in the Lok Sabha. There was a slight campaign going on at the time to try and get Modi to become the new prime minister. Eventually, Modi decided that it would be a good idea to enter into the election to become the next prime minister.

Modi portrayed himself as being a candidate more likely to help the national government and to improve upon how it could be restored over time. This included support for managing the national economy. However, his competition portrayed him as a delusional person and also highlighted his association with the 2002 Gulbarg Massacre.

The campaigning from Modi was extensive as he went around India and garnered a significant following. He also leveraged social media and even completed a few rallies through holograms that were beamed to a variety of places all around India. Modi also used a number of corporate donors who were supportive of him to help with getting his campaign up and running. This was especially to make it easier for him to promote himself to those who might have been too poor to provide money to his campaign. It was seen by many as a symbol of how Modi wanted to help those who were less off in the world.

In May 2014, Modi was elected to become the new Prime Minister of India. This especially came as he had more support from the public while the BJP in general rode a significant wave off of his momentum. The BJP took 282 of the 534 seats within the Lok Sabha. This marked the first time in more than thirty years that one party had a majority of seats in this part of the national government. It was also a blow to the Indian National Congress, an organization that held control over the country for more than sixty years. The move especially showed that India was willing to move from a socialist agenda towards a nationalism platform.

Key Policies As Prime Minister

As the prime minister of the country, Modi has held a number of policies that have made him a popular figure:

  • The Modi administration has focused more on the development of a stronger economy and with the goal of encouraging more business in the country. The Make In India campaign is a particularly popular function that entails getting more people to come out to the country to bring in manufacturing projects and jobs in the area.
  • Lowered taxes have been introduced to help with improving spending within the country. The elimination of the wealth tax was an especially important part as it helped the wealthiest continue to operate their businesses and bolster employment and economic growth numbers.
  • Information technology has especially been a key point for Modi. He started a program with the goal of developing about a hundred smart cities around the country. These are cities that focus on more high-tech functions with a cashless and paperless environment being the goal.
  • The Housing For All by 2022 initiative was also introduced by Modi. This campaign was introduced with the goal of building around 20 million homes for urban poor residents of India. This is to attempt to eliminate slums around the country.
  • The development of a cashless economy has especially been a key focal point of his tenure. This includes working to eliminate Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes as a means of ending corruption and the spread of black money in the country.
  • Private health care providers are also being supported by the Modi government. These include organizations that operate on their own without a greater deal of governmental support including places that specialize in treatments for children.

Criticisms For His Work

There have been a few criticisms of Modi’s work in this part of the national government:

  • Modi has reduced the amount of money spent on social affairs and initiatives. This come as the government is aiming to spend more on the economy and other programs for the national infrastructure.
  • There has also been controversy over the demonetization that Modi enacted following the demand to eliminate many bank notes to stop the flow of black money. This was especially worrisome due to how many people in the country are unable to afford to manage the cashless economy Modi wants to develop.
  • Many restrictions on production that were engineered to protect the environment were also lifted by Modi. This has been controversial to many for how it shows that he is willing to allow pollution in some areas. Many green organizations around the world have especially protested his moves by stating that they will harm the growth of India if they continue.

Foreign Policy Work

Modi has worked hard with many other national powers like the United States and China to develop strong ties with those countries. He has also been aiming to encourage stronger diplomatic relations with Pakistan. However, there are concerns over how Modi has referred to Pakistan in the past as a country that supports terrorist activities and allows terrorists to safely work within the country and plan their attacks there.

Other Interesting Points About Modi

There are a few additional aspects of Narendra Modi worth noting:

  • While Modi has never officially seen himself as being married, what with him refusing his arranged marriage, he has acknowledged the woman that would have been his wife.  This especially came from using her information to state that she is technically his wife when he filed to get into the 2014 election.
  • Modi has more than 25 million followers on Twitter. This makes him the second-most followed politician on the social media platform with former American president Barack Obama only having more.
  • Modi has been noted for not living with many excesses like other people who have ruled the country. In addition to being a vegetarian, he does not live with as many expenses as others in the same positions have held.
  • In 2016, Modi received civilian honors from the governments of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. He earned the highest civilians honors from those countries in honor of his hard work and dedication to stabilizing much of western Asia.

The work of Narendra Modi continues to evolve. This comes as he has worked hard over the years to promote many values around the country even with plenty of controversies and concerns with regards to how he runs the country. People around the world will certainly be looking forward to seeing what he plans on doing in the future.

Bachelors Degree Copy

Prime Minister Modi Delhi University Bachelor Degree 1978


Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi claims to be called as ‘Pradhan Sevak’ instead of ‘Pradhan Mantri’.  That means, he does not like to be called as a Prime Minister but as the Head of Government Servant.  This merely shows how citizen centric he is and we are glad to have a prime minister who keeps the citizens at the center stage.

In order to connect with the citizens of the country directly, the Prime Minister has published his contact details on all channels of online and offline modes, which we would mention in this article.  Through, these channels, you can get in touch with the Prime Minister directly and your voice would be head and action taken, if you have any grievance.

Through Phone Lines

If you wish to call Prime Minister’s office, you can do so by dialing the following number from anywhere:

011 – 23012312

Alternatively, you can fax your letter to the following number:

011-23019545 & 011-23016857

Through Postal Service

You can write a letter to the Prime Minister and send it to his office at the following address through Indian Post or through courier or speed post:

Honorable Prime Minister of India,

7 Race Course Road,

New Delhi (India)

Or send your letters to:

Web Information Manager

South Block, Raisina Hill,

New Dellhi – 110011 (India)

Through Email

Although it’s not an official email ID, but we have found it from some sources and you can reach the Prime Minister by addressing your emails to the following email ID:

[email protected]

Through Facebook Page

If you want to connect to the Prime Minister through Facebook, you would have to go on to his official FB page and write your concern over there.  The official page of PM could be visited at

Through Official Website

If you have anything to write to Prime Minister of India, you can also visit the official website of the Prime Minister and write your query or concern and you would be responded promptly.  The official website of the Prime Minister’s office is   Once you visit this website, you would have to register first and input your required details before you can submit your query or concern.

Through Twitter

If you are a Twitter user, you can send your tweets directly at @PMOIndia or @Narendramodi

The PMO office has also started provision under which if you just give a miss call to 011-30063006, you can start getting tweets of the Prime Minister on your mobile phone regularly.

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